transverse mass meaning in English
- The collective interaction between strings and the reduced strange quark production mechanism . luciae model can describe the yield and the transverse mass spectra of produced strangeness
Luciae模型包含了弦-弦之间的集体相互作用,产生粒子的次级再散射以及奇异夸克压低的约化机制对奇异产生的影响。 - By widening the width of gaussian transverse momentum distribution in string fragmentation . luciae reproduced the o mesons rapidity distribution , transverse mass distribution , and also the enhancement factor of o meson in pb - pb relative to p - p collisions
介子; ‘ ’ ‘土影响不人, lu 1模拟的结果同时大明:通过加宽弦碎裂为叨对的内禀描动量分布的宽度, 。